Self-Care Is Not A 'Nice-To-Have'...

It's Elemental!

Join our online journey, where I teach you how to treat yourself according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and create habits that boost your energy and ease the stress.

Are You putting your self-care

on the back burner?

  • You know you need to go to bed earlier, but don't!

  • You know you need to practice mindfulness, but don't!

  • You know you need to spend less time on social media, but don't..

  • You know you need to exercise more, but don't! (You stop and start)

  • You know you need to cut out sugar, but don't!

  • You listen to all the experts, have all the notes but don't follow through on any of it.....


If you struggle to make healthy choices when you're busy, stressed or tired, It is NOT because you're lazy!

Self-Care Is Not A 'Nice-To-Have'...

It's Elemental!

Join our online journey, where I teach you how to treat yourself according to Traditional Chinese Medicine and create habits that boost your energy and ease the stress.

Are You putting your self-care

on the back burner?

  • You know you need to go to bed earlier, but don't!

  • You know you need to practice mindfulness, but don't!

  • You know you need to spend less time on social media, but don't..

  • You know you need to exercise more, but don't! (You stop and start)

  • You know you need to cut out sugar, but don't!

  • You listen to all the experts, have all the notes but don't follow through on any of it.....


If you struggle to make healthy choices when you're busy, stressed or tired, It is NOT because you're lazy!

"As someone with a passion for natural health, it’s been a joy to expand on my existing knowledge, and be coached and learn from Miri. Her insight and knowledge of TCM, yogic philosophy, and holistic health is unmatched, and her lessons are easy-to-understand."

Caitlyn SMITH


Everything you consume, through all your senses, affect you.

Identify how it affects YOU, and you'll experience changes to your energy levels, cravings, mood and motivation.


You begin making better choices for yourself, regularly, with EASE.

At Women's Happiness Project

We know you want to feel strong, free and empowered. In order to do that, you need to understand your symptoms, emotions, cravings, energy and motivation.

The problem is you’re too busy, stressed or tired to actually follow through with your self-care habits, which makes you feel lazy and not good enough.

We believe self-care is a necessity and not just a ‘nice to have’ thing on your ‘should-do’ list because when you’re feeling nourished, well-rested and in a good mood, you can be a better mum, friend and partner.

We understand how hard it is to get yourself back into action after putting yourself last for so long which is why we’re following ancient wisdom and holistic practices that empower you to take good care of your body, mind and heart from the inside out.

We take the kind and loving approach to your self-care, so you can prioritise your health and well-being without feeling selfish.

Because Self-Care Is ELEMENTAL!

register for the

12 week program

Once you're all signed up for The Elemental Self-Care System you'll get access to the learning hub and companion workbook.

Inside you will find an easy to follow schedule that takes you week by week through the 5 Element System of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Each week includes short 7 x 6 minute video lessons and 1 x 20 minute Qi-Gong practice (mindful movement)

attend the weekly

group coaching

For the duration of 12 weeks, Once a week we meet online for an intimate group coaching sessions.

Studies have shown that the dynamics of group sessions enhance your individual progress.

get private monthly coaching sessions

3 x 1 hour virtual coaching sessions where we dive into what's working and what's challenging, so we can carve the path that's just right for YOU. According to your body constitution, symptoms and desires.

© WOMEN'S HAPPINESS PROJECT 2024. All rights reserved.