Your Magic Moment

Your Magic Moment

October 08, 20246 min read

Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. - Parker Palmer

Your Magic Moment

Let me know if this is familiar…

You LOVE doing yoga, you love sitting for meditation, you love taking time for you, but your days are so full and busy and your to-do list (or how I call it your shouldo-list) is truly never ending.

There never comes a moment when you’re like ahhhh, that’s all done.

Now what?

No! By the time you’ve finished doing All the things for everyone else, it’s already night time, and you are done.

You’re exhausted.

There’s no way you’re gonna do yoga now, right?…

Even if you DO have a free moment during the day, you just don’t FEEL like it….

You wanna chill out and do nothing, and you want to disconnect and turn off your brain.

Am I right?...

When I became a mum I really struggled to keep up with my healthy habits and self-care routine.

My yoga practice was never the same again, I stopped sitting in silence regularly and even though I knew for sure WHAT I Needed to do for myself - my biggest struggle was to actually get my tired bum off the couch to DO the things and follow through.

I used to really beat up on myself about it, because I was a health practitioner… I should be able to do these things that I lOVE doing…

That’s when I realised that my focus was all wrong.

Instead of pushing myself and committing to another 30 day challenge or trying to get back to how I used to be, what I really needed was to make sure that I do what I can, When I can, to get my Qi (Chee)* unstuck. Because that will naturally help me make better choices.

*Qi (Chee) is how they describe your life force energy in Chinese Medicine.

It’s the ‘thing’ that constantly makes things grow and move and change, including animals, plants, the planets. All of it.

It’s a broad term to describe what’s making life happen.

Here’s what I learned from studying Traditional Chinese Medicine:

When you feel unwell, your personal Qi is not flowing smoothly.

As simple as that.

Sometimes it’s because it’s too weak, sometimes it’s way too strong and sometimes it gets stuck.

Your body can heal itself and get back to flowing in harmony. But you got to stop doing the things that are making your Qi depleted or stuck.

In my personal journey, I realised that the missing piece for me was that I was living in disharmony.

I used to stay up really late, binge watch with my hubby, eat really late at night, and then fail at getting up early to have time for my morning practice, beat up on myself for it and spend the rest of my day looking after my family (feeling resentful).

Even though I was exhausted by the end of the day, I was holding on so tight to my ‘me time’ at night, and would repeat this pattern again and again.

That’s when I discovered Yoga Health Coaching and gained the missing tools I needed to be able to finally put into practice everything I learned in Chinese Medicine school and Yoga Teacher Training, to incorporate healthy habits into my everyday life.

Things like, eating an earlier lighter dinner, going to bed earlier, starting your day right, etc.

If you are someone who regularly sees an osteo or physio or a massage therapist because without it you’ll be in constant pain, keep reading.

Because even though acupuncture, massage therapy and all of these amazing modalities are very effective at solving various issues, like pain, gut health, hormonal imbalances etc, the reality is - if you don’t change your daily habits and ways of being, your issue will return.

Your issues are a symptom of the disharmony in your Qi (life force energy).

And not only that, if you can’t keep your symptoms at bay, they will get worse…

This is not to scare you, but to remind you that you can take full responsibility for your own health and well being, and be the one in control over how you feel.

To do that, you gotta create some space for YOU.

So many women tell me that they just don’t have time for themselves, and my answer is always, you either make the time, or your health will make you take it….

You know what I mean, right?

If you only go go go, get everything done, help everyone else, care for your family, manage the household, do all the things - and don’t intentionally stop to care for your own self, regularly, you WILL run out of juice.

It is just a given.

You can not pour from an empty cup.

You can’t drive with an empty tank.

You gotta put your own oxygen mask first.


If you keep going on empty, you will break down.

A LOT of women have been receiving a scary diagnosis nowadays, and I want to encourage you - make the time for you, before you have no choice…

You deserve time for you.

It’s not a ‘nice to have’ thing. It’s a priority.

You are a priority in your life, and in case you forgot - I’m here to remind you.

You cannot be the best mum you can be, the best at your work that you do - if you do not care for yourself first.

Your family needs you.

Your loved ones need you to be in good shape and in a good mood - so they can count on you.

But where do you start???

Great question!

I have found that the easiest way to begin is by regularly GIFTING yourself what you need.

Sometimes it’s just one deep breath.

Sometimes it’s a barefoot walk outside.

Sometimes we don’t even know what that is…

Which means, gifting yourself a moment to figure it out.

And the way to figure it out is to spend time with yourself.

I call it Your Magic Moment.

It includes stopping what you’re doing, taking a breath, tuning in, asking yourself what you need and making sure you can satisfy that in some way.

If you’d like to learn more about this special moment in time with YOU and figure out your very own personal version of it, I’d love you to join me so we can do it together and support each other on the way.

Our LIVE experience is starting in just a few day and you’re invited!

Click here to learn more

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Founder of Women's Happiness Project

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Your Magic Moment

Your Magic Moment

October 08, 20246 min read

Self-care is never a selfish act—it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. - Parker Palmer

Your Magic Moment

Let me know if this is familiar…

You LOVE doing yoga, you love sitting for meditation, you love taking time for you, but your days are so full and busy and your to-do list (or how I call it your shouldo-list) is truly never ending.

There never comes a moment when you’re like ahhhh, that’s all done.

Now what?

No! By the time you’ve finished doing All the things for everyone else, it’s already night time, and you are done.

You’re exhausted.

There’s no way you’re gonna do yoga now, right?…

Even if you DO have a free moment during the day, you just don’t FEEL like it….

You wanna chill out and do nothing, and you want to disconnect and turn off your brain.

Am I right?...

When I became a mum I really struggled to keep up with my healthy habits and self-care routine.

My yoga practice was never the same again, I stopped sitting in silence regularly and even though I knew for sure WHAT I Needed to do for myself - my biggest struggle was to actually get my tired bum off the couch to DO the things and follow through.

I used to really beat up on myself about it, because I was a health practitioner… I should be able to do these things that I lOVE doing…

That’s when I realised that my focus was all wrong.

Instead of pushing myself and committing to another 30 day challenge or trying to get back to how I used to be, what I really needed was to make sure that I do what I can, When I can, to get my Qi (Chee)* unstuck. Because that will naturally help me make better choices.

*Qi (Chee) is how they describe your life force energy in Chinese Medicine.

It’s the ‘thing’ that constantly makes things grow and move and change, including animals, plants, the planets. All of it.

It’s a broad term to describe what’s making life happen.

Here’s what I learned from studying Traditional Chinese Medicine:

When you feel unwell, your personal Qi is not flowing smoothly.

As simple as that.

Sometimes it’s because it’s too weak, sometimes it’s way too strong and sometimes it gets stuck.

Your body can heal itself and get back to flowing in harmony. But you got to stop doing the things that are making your Qi depleted or stuck.

In my personal journey, I realised that the missing piece for me was that I was living in disharmony.

I used to stay up really late, binge watch with my hubby, eat really late at night, and then fail at getting up early to have time for my morning practice, beat up on myself for it and spend the rest of my day looking after my family (feeling resentful).

Even though I was exhausted by the end of the day, I was holding on so tight to my ‘me time’ at night, and would repeat this pattern again and again.

That’s when I discovered Yoga Health Coaching and gained the missing tools I needed to be able to finally put into practice everything I learned in Chinese Medicine school and Yoga Teacher Training, to incorporate healthy habits into my everyday life.

Things like, eating an earlier lighter dinner, going to bed earlier, starting your day right, etc.

If you are someone who regularly sees an osteo or physio or a massage therapist because without it you’ll be in constant pain, keep reading.

Because even though acupuncture, massage therapy and all of these amazing modalities are very effective at solving various issues, like pain, gut health, hormonal imbalances etc, the reality is - if you don’t change your daily habits and ways of being, your issue will return.

Your issues are a symptom of the disharmony in your Qi (life force energy).

And not only that, if you can’t keep your symptoms at bay, they will get worse…

This is not to scare you, but to remind you that you can take full responsibility for your own health and well being, and be the one in control over how you feel.

To do that, you gotta create some space for YOU.

So many women tell me that they just don’t have time for themselves, and my answer is always, you either make the time, or your health will make you take it….

You know what I mean, right?

If you only go go go, get everything done, help everyone else, care for your family, manage the household, do all the things - and don’t intentionally stop to care for your own self, regularly, you WILL run out of juice.

It is just a given.

You can not pour from an empty cup.

You can’t drive with an empty tank.

You gotta put your own oxygen mask first.


If you keep going on empty, you will break down.

A LOT of women have been receiving a scary diagnosis nowadays, and I want to encourage you - make the time for you, before you have no choice…

You deserve time for you.

It’s not a ‘nice to have’ thing. It’s a priority.

You are a priority in your life, and in case you forgot - I’m here to remind you.

You cannot be the best mum you can be, the best at your work that you do - if you do not care for yourself first.

Your family needs you.

Your loved ones need you to be in good shape and in a good mood - so they can count on you.

But where do you start???

Great question!

I have found that the easiest way to begin is by regularly GIFTING yourself what you need.

Sometimes it’s just one deep breath.

Sometimes it’s a barefoot walk outside.

Sometimes we don’t even know what that is…

Which means, gifting yourself a moment to figure it out.

And the way to figure it out is to spend time with yourself.

I call it Your Magic Moment.

It includes stopping what you’re doing, taking a breath, tuning in, asking yourself what you need and making sure you can satisfy that in some way.

If you’d like to learn more about this special moment in time with YOU and figure out your very own personal version of it, I’d love you to join me so we can do it together and support each other on the way.

Our LIVE experience is starting in just a few day and you’re invited!

Click here to learn more

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Founder of Women's Happiness Project

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